Friday, May 25, 2012



My guinea pig SQUEALER has had problems in the last few years with God only knows what exactly at this point.   To make a LONG story short she is currently dealing with urinary issues and it cannot be determined what we are dealing with without a whole bunch of really expensive tests that she will have to be put under anesthesia for.  I have been worried about her for a very long time now and don’t really know what I should do, mainly because it is all so expensive.
We had an emergency visit to the vet today.   It is probably something that could have been avoided but my life is such a train wreck that I guess I haven’t given Squealer the attention she needed and I feel so guilty about it…….well here is what happened:   She had a visit to the vet over a month ago for her urinary issues and I agreed have a few tests done on her.   They kept her there for a few hours and attempted to get a urine sample from her.   After several attempts it was determined that she would not stay still and that this test and any other tests would have to be done under anesthesia.   So I took her home, but she had a little bandage on her tiny little arm from where they poked her with a needle or intravenous or whatever.....well that bandage has become a nightmare!    That bandage was on so tight that I could not remove it.   I tried several times and every time I tried to remove it she would resist and start screaming.   So I decided to leave it alone and let it come off on its own or let her bite it off.   I checked it every day concerned that it looked too tight.   Well yesterday I noticed Squealer was limping, but didn’t notice until later that her little foot and part of her leg was swollen 3 times its normal size and was bleeding underneath!    So I had to get that bandage off no matter what.  She screamed and she bit me but we finally got it off!  She let me put some ice on it so that it would get numb and hopefully have some of the swelling go down, but today I had to take her to the vet because it did not look that much better this morning.    She got sent home with antibiotics and pain meds, poor little thing.  I feel so guilty……..this arm thing did not need to happen to her.
So I have been worried because I was told last time I was at that the vet that she might have a stone in her urinary tract but today a different doctor (can’t seem to get the same doctors and they all have different theories……or maybe they don’t all know what they are doing, don’t know who to believe anymore!) said that she might be diabetic because she has cataracts in both her eyes, she drinks a lot of water, and this along with urinary infections are symptoms of diabetes which believe it or not is very common in guinea pigs!   Really?!  Seriously?!   Diabetes?!!!!!!!   BUT nothing is for certain without that battery of tests so we don’t know how to treat her at the moment.
Do they not know they are dealing with ANXIETY GIRL!   Do they need to put more worry on my plate?!  
What would you do?


  1. Oh, poor Squealer and poor you! Sounds like you've both had enough for now. Why not cut back on her sugars until you can go see a vet who you trust?

    You are NOT a terrible mama! Things like this happen with our kids and our pets (same thing!). We're human and don't know everything. Squealer loves you no matter what.

  2. Still feel bad and still don't know what to do. To add to my guilt she is hardly eating and drinking and no hay is being flung, eaten or otherwise! Thanks for the kind words of caring and love.......xo
