Sunday, April 22, 2012


It’s been awhile since I’ve written.   This blogging thing has me really discouraged.   It is supposed to be simple and fun but for the technologically challenged…….not so much!   So I will start with this rant and then take another shot at it.
First I want to start off by saying, “WTF is it so bright out at 6:30 a.m!”  You would think the one saving grace of having to get up at the crack of dawn is that you don’t have to drive with the sun in your eyes.   You are already stressed out and grumpy about having to go to work… is an evil joke!   The devil has something to do with it, I just know it!
Then onto our lovely California heart of the scummy valley roads!   In my area they have so many freeway on and off ramps closed……it is a huge inconvenience and honestly I don’t see any improvements in the roads so far and it has been a year since they started this nightmare.   Then I am so tired of our roads having holes and being all broken.  Where do all our tax dollars go?  What are they doing when they put up their road construction signs and close down our roads?  Are they just trying to piss us off?   So not only do we have to deal with overpopulated roads but they are all broken and maybe even closed…..yeah, I love driving! GGGRRRRRR!!!!!
The gas station……..!!!!!!!!   First of all the prices are outrageous!   I am going to have to sell a kidney if I want to keep putting gas in my car!   And if the prices are going to be so high, is it too much to ask that if I want to wash my windows that there be a squeegee available?!  An added treat would to have a squeegee, water, and paper towels all available at the same time.   Then today not only could I not wash the windows but the receipt did not come out all the way, tore and the bottom half stuck in the machine!   Really!    $48 dollars to fill my car and I can’t even get a receipt!   
What is up with people’s headlights?  I have noticed at night that if someone is driving behind me that it seems that they have their high beams on……they seriously blind me, and if it is some big monster truck or SUV you might as well forget about it.  So if I don’t have the sun in my eyes in the morning I have headlights blinding me at night!   I ask you, does this seem fair?
I’m sorry if I offend anyone but I absolutely HATE people who park their cars or monster trucks in parking spaces backwards!   Especially when in small public parking lots!   Really?!   Are you more special than the rest of us!   I hate you!
What is wrong with those people who go down an aisle in the parking lot the wrong way and they act like it’s your fault?  
I hate those people who are just bullies on the road and act as if they are the only people who need to get someplace.

Okay I think I have covered my road rage issues for the moment……….


  1. This post is AWESOME!! I love your rants, Kranky. No one does this better than you. xo

    Oh, and I couldn't agree MORE with ALL of your points: too-bright sun, road "repairs" that make the roads more dangerous, high gas prices, and f**king SUVs from hell!!!

    Thanks for making my morning, Kranky!

    1. Thanks. Glad I made your morning! And what a beautiful gloomy morning it was!
